April 11th, 2023

Owning a home is a huge responsibility, and jobs that get pushed aside tend to snowball into bigger issues down the road. We’ve all let a job fall into the ‘I’ll get to that later’ list for a bit too long. Still, being on top of your home maintenance can feel hugely rewarding when everything around you is working in tip-top shape. Better yet, it will save you from headaches in the future, knowing that you’ve saved money and avoided bigger jobs in the long run. 


To help you keep an eye on all the odd jobs that have to be done through the year, the team at INOX have compiled the ultimate Handyman’s Guide To Home Maintenance. If you’re not super hands-on, don’t sweat it. Nothing on this list is too complex and can be figured out with a quick Google search.


Maintaining Tools & Lawn Equipment: House upkeep requires the right tools. If you plan to get hands-on with some jobs, then you’ll want your gear to be working well. Make sure to treat your tools with INOX at least once every few months. INOX protects, lubricates and extends the life of all metal utensils. 

Clean Extractor Fan: Next time you cook, put your palm on the ventilation fan above the stove. There’s probably more grease there than on the pan. The extractor fan falls into the ‘out of sight, out of mind’ category, and the mesh hood can start looking pretty gnarly. Make sure you’re wiping down the fat and oil deposits at least once a month because the longer they’re left, the harder it will be to get them out. 

Clean Out HVAC or Aircon Filters: This job doesn’t need to be strictly done each month, but if you don’t want dusty air to be pumped around your home, then it’s good to get in the habit of cleaning them out. Your HVAC and aircon filters have an important job to do, and if they’re all gunked up with pollen, dust, dander and other particles, then what they can’t filter will just be sprayed across your house. 

Clean Your Garbage Disposal: If your home has a garbage disposal, don’t forget to keep it fresh. The best way to clean it safely is by sprinkling a half-cup of baking soda into the opening and pouring a cup of white vinegar in after. Allow it to sit for up to 10 minutes before rinsing away with hot or boiling water. Chopped citrus peels and ice are also other methods to strip away any debris stuck on the blades. 



Test & Inspect Fire Safety Measures: You should always ensure your home is protected with the correct fire safety measures. Take time at least once a month to inspect each system you have in your home (fire alarms, fire extinguishers, and fire blankets). Ensure they’re accessible (not being blocked by anything) and that there are no signs of wear and tear. Fire extinguishers need to be inspected every six months by a professional, but it’s good to have a look on your own at an earlier date to make sure it’s operational. 

Run Water Through Unused Spaces: If your home has a guest bathroom that doesn’t get much use, make sure to run some water through the plumbing systems. Just running the tap for a few minutes and flushing the toilet can prevent mould growth and any other kinds of build-up.

Polish Stainless Steel Appliances: Despite the name, stainless steel can become tarnished quite easily. To return that shiny finish, polish it with INOX-MX3FG. It can also help break down pesky stains on stainless steel ovens, fridges, sinks and other appliances. 



Sweep Chimneys: Not many Aussie houses have these, but if you do, fair dinkum, more power to you! You can get away with sweeping it once a year, but if you don’t want a bunch of dust to come out the next time you use it, it’s better to give it two big cleans either side of the cold season

Clean Gutters: Depending on how close your home is to trees or foliage, you should at least clean your gutters out twice a year, more if your home tends to gather debris. Australia doesn’t really have any deciduous trees, but summer and spring tend to be the times they produce the most pollen or flowers, so after then will be the best time to clean your gutters. It’s always best practice to handle this job before the wet season, so your home isn’t overflowing. 

Check Roof: While you’re cleaning your gutters, it’s a perfect opportunity to check the rest of your roof. Keep an eye out for cracked tiles and to make sure the flashing is watertight. Afterwards, check inside of your roof and look for water stains or rings that indicate a seepage. 

Plumbing Review:  Give your pipes a good once-over by checking for leaks or oddities. It’s also a good idea to look at the roof for telltale water stains or bubbles in the paint – a sign of leakages. Fix what you’re comfortable with, and call a professional for any higher-skill jobs.

Clean Tap Aerators: These are often the main culprit of spattering taps or poor water pressure. Remove the aerator faucet, rinse it out and reinstall it. If it’s corroded past saving, duck down to the local hardware store and grab a new one. While you’re there, why not top up on INOX


Annually – Based On Seasons


Winter is what we like to call the lazy season. It’s hard to want to tackle huge projects when everything is cold and wet. So, this period tends to consist of maintenance work to the inside of your home and simple repairs. 

Lubricate Hinges & Valves – No one enjoys living in a creaky house, apply INOX to all metal moving parts in your home and enjoy the silence it brings. The cold tends to make metal components seize up, so this is the best time to lubricate them so they work throughout the year. Look at all door hinges, tap handles, pullout draw frames and door runners. 

Test Hot Water Systems – Look, you probably should do this in warmer months, but we’re all guilty of forgetting about a job before it’s too late. Winter is the last chance for you to service your hot water heater to make sure there are no cold surprises in your future. The main thing you’ll need to worry about is the temperature relief valve. Let out some water and gauge the water quality. If it’s too hot, you may have an issue with the tempering valve, and if it’s running cold, it may indicate a fault with the electrical system. 

Inspect Window Seals – If you have a draft, winter is the easiest time to find it. The cool winds become more noticeable, and you’ll want to patch it up asap. 

Check & Lubricate All Deadbolts or Locks. Winter is the best time to give metal parts some TLC for many of the same reasons as we listed with hinges and valves. Locks are most likely to jam during this time of the year, and increased rainfall can promote rust. Protect them and keep them operating smoothly with INOX-MX3



Spring is the month of home maintenance. After all, it’s not called ‘Spring Cleaning’ for nothing. Take the opportunity to enjoy some of the best outdoors conditions to tackle some big jobs indoors and out. 

Deep Clean Carpets – Our floors cop a beating on the regular. Between kids, pets and yourself, our carpets and rugs are destined to become filled with dirt. Vacuum as much as you’d like, the only way to get all that trodden on dirt out is with a deep clean. It’s best practice to do this a few times a year, but do it once at the very least.

Clean Appliances – We’re not talking about a standard wipe-down, that should ideally be done regularly. This is the time when you pull out your fridge, microwave, washing machine, dryer, and anything else and strip all the dust out. Pull these appliances out so you can see the wall-facing side and vacuum the back vents or coils to help it breathe easier in the future. For things like your washing machine, refrigerator and dryer, doing this can extend their life expectancy and prevent overheating. 

Inspect The Exterior Of Your Home: Looks matter, but more so, signs of exterior damage can compound inside later on. Breaks, cracks or damages compromise the barrier between indoors and out. If you have damages, it makes it easier for things like pests and water to get in. If not, it can just look ugly. Repair any damages you see as you go with calk or silicone for quick fixes, but know when to call for professional help. 

Repair/replace flyscreens: Bugs are most active in spring, so at the beginning of the season, be sure to patch up any holes in your flyscreen. It’s pretty easy, and rewarding to add a new flyscreen to your home. If it’s only a small hole, you can just patch it up with some flyscreen tape. 



In Australia, we’re blessed with warm temperatures all year round. Because of that, there’s not much difference between these two seasons, other than a slight drop in temperature. Don’t expect to find golden leaves littering the ground. Australia stays green as long as it’s raining. 

Clean up mould growths: Humid conditions promote mould growth in rooms with lots of moisture like laundries, bathrooms, roofs and basements if you have them. Surface mould can be easily cleaned with vinegar. Just be sure not to use bleach because it can promote mould growth. Wait to tackle this job once the rainy season ends. The summer heat can help keep mould from regrowing once it’s wiped away. 

Clean Drains: If you want to prevent drain clogs, plumbing professionals recommend having your drains cleaned at least once every year. Cleaning drains on a semi-regular basis can lower the chances of large blockages from forming. 

Garden Work: If you love having a lush, healthy garden, you must do a big clean-up at least once a year. We’re not talking about your average mow and water (hopefully, you’re doing that regularly). Take the time to make sure your garden is perfect. Replace the mulch, add new features, chop trees, plant new ones, reseed your lawn and service your sprinkler system. 

Check Grout: Fill up any holes or cracks in your grout. This will extend the life of your bathroom or other tiled areas. There’s no real reason to do this in summer, but if you’re working with water in the shower, you probably don’t want to do it on a cold day. The heat can also help the grout set easier. 

Clean and Repair Deck/Patio as Needed: Your patio generally needs a deep clean at least once a year. Break out the gurney and pressure wash the deck and roof. It may also need to be re-stained or sanded. While you’re doing this, keep an eye out for loose boards and repair as needed. 

Clean solar panels: You want the most out of your investment. Dust and droppings make your solar panels less effective, so make a habit of getting up there once a year to clean things off. 


Every Few Years 

Retighten Garage Door Torsion Spring: The average garage door spring should last about 10,000 opens and closes. If you open it once a day, then you have 14 years of use. If it’s been longer than that, or you’re in and out regularly, it may be time to tighten up the torsion spring.

Replace the microwave & dishwasher: These appliances have shorter life expectancies than some other items and will wear out at around the 6-9 year mark. It’s always best practice to keep your appliances up to date for safety and energy consumption reasons. 


Want A Product That Can Help With All Of These Jobs 

INOX is the supreme lubricant with 1001 uses. No matter how handy you are, INOX makes sure you’ll get the best results out of DIY jobs. To learn more about how INOX lubricants could help you, no matter how niche or specific your needs are, head to our website or get in touch with us today!